Here I want to thank the people who did gd for me Everyone who has ever done gd for me I want to tell you something Exactly those gd that were for "ranking" that unfortunately may never get into "ranking" Someone may think that he wasted his time, someone will wait until the very end, someone will hate me because the map did not get into the "rating" and this happens :3 for someone it will be a valuable experience in this or that song, despite the fact that in my maps there were the top mappers in my opinion But unfortunately I can't influence this in any way, either my diffs were so bad, or I was just unlucky, since most of the answers from bn, the reasons for the rejection are not reported to me That's why I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Thank you so much for not ignoring me Thank you so much taking the time for me Thank you so much communicating with me Thank you so much for yours wonderful diff I am very grateful to you, and glad that you did not refuse me In the future, I hope that we will definitely continue working on some projects, or I will take part in your projects, I will be very happy about that In the future, I want to become a bn, and promote really cool maps in ranking, and help those who want to get their first rating map Here is a list of all those wonderful people who supported me and my work with their participation, thank you 🡻 _Meep_ |newton- |Annabel |Take |Kojio |ridyagd |Liyuu |midorijeon |dahkjdas |Kudou Chitose| Graphical |KeyWee |caps |SparkNights |Sanayui |Teages |Setu |
1 year in the game 01.03.2023 Global Ranking - 113.863 Country Rating - 9.188 Total Play Time - 462 Hour's Play Count - 29.116 Max Combo - 2.137 The best pp score - 218pp dt Pp - 4.015 --------------------------------- 2 year in the game 01.03.2024 Global Ranking - 65.950 Country Rating - 5.544 Total Play Time - 772 Hour's Play Count - 44.776 Max Combo - 2.482 The best pp score - 300pp dt Pp - 5.236 --------------------------------- 3 year in the game 01.03.2025 Global Ranking - 54.809 Country Rating - 4.902 Total Play Time - 914 Hour's Play Count - 51.612 Max Combo - 2.482 The best pp score - 321pp dt Pp - 5.844 --------------------------------- Unfortunately i stopped playing the game in October 2024 after only 7 months of playing it This is why the results for the year of play were so bad In October I was completely immersed in mapping, so I couldn't play and I didn't want to At the moment I want to continue mapping and one day become a BN I don't plan to play like before But who knows when I'll start playing like before again ><